For new students embarking on their university journey, confusion and uncertainty are natural. To help them transition smoothly into university life, we host this event annually, offering valuable advice from senior peer supporters. This year marks the new system of OIC SSP as we welcome SSP peer supports from new majors to organize the event together as well as hosting it at the faculty orientation venues.
In addition, as many as 613 students asked for advice during the consultation hours. We received so many inquires including course registration procedures, credit system and tips, scholarships, study abroad opportunities, and joining circles for international students.
To successfully host this event under new circumstance, we carefully discussed and prepared in the SSP meetings about the expected questions, evenly distributed peer supporters based on their major in the shift and dedicated on advertising activities and materials. Furthermore, some majors have modified the curriculums, so we took time on understanding the changes by carefully reading academic handbooks and sharing information in the team.
As we embark on this new chapter of OIC with the advent of the brand-new H building for new colleges, our support is needed more than ever to assist students in their university life. OIC SSP will continue to host helpful events for students in need, so please feel free to join and enrich yourself! We also post useful information, upcoming events, and good toolkit on our official website and social media (X, formally Twitter), so please check them out!
Reported by SSP Peer Supporter (OIC) Tada