


2023年12月2日~12月3日 アジア・太平洋カンファレンス2023(於:立命館アジア太平洋大学)
“From Exclusion to Inclusion: Migrants, Diaspora, and Returnees in Post-COVID Asia”
“Poetic Imagination, Orality, and the Digital Revolution in Islamic Societies of West Asia: Towards Theorization and Comparison”
“Approaching the Characteristics of Modern Japan: Case Analyses Based on the Correlation Between Organizational Values and Political Realities”
“Low Carbon Development in Asia: Policies and Challenges”
“Dynamics of Contemporary Legal Interpretations in Shariah/Islamic Law: Key Concepts, Social Realities, and Political/Economic Dimension”
“For the Thinking of “Diversification”: Critical Investigation from Post-Western Philosophies and Encounter with Global Society Today”
2022年12月3日~12月4日 第20回アジア・太平洋カンファレンス(於:立命館アジア太平洋大学)
“Arab-Islamic Traditions in the Modern World”
“Beyond Capitalism? Critical Debates from Philosophy and Economics”
“Diaspora Studies: Cross-Cultural Perspectives”
“Challenges of Sustainability and Development in Asia”
“Putting Modern East Asia in Perspective: Interrelationship between China, Japan, and Korea”
2021年12月4日~12月5日 第19回アジア・太平洋カンファレンス(於:立命館アジア太平洋大学)
“Asian Resilience to Climate Change, Disaster, and Social Transformation”
“Realizing Islamic Values in the Contemporary Muslim Communities in Asia”
“Asia as a Theater of Cultural Communication”
“Asian Medicine: Tradition and Innovation”
2020年11月14日・15日 第18回アジア・太平洋カンファレンス(オンライン)
“Prospects for Asian Paths of Sustainable Development”
“Transformation of Value Systems and Social Integration in Asia”