OZAWA Wataru, MAKITA Yukifumi, HIGUCHI Koichi, NISHIMURA Kiyotada, ISHIKAWA Kuniko, OGAWA Eiji, KATO Hiroshi  The Local Community Volunteer Social Worker System in Japan :
Analysis of Survey Data
KAGEI Mitsuru  What Kind of Image of Society did Durkheim’s Sociology Try to Portray? :
Rereading of “Rules of sociological method” (1)
SUGIMOTO Tsuyunori  The Development of Construction-Asbestos Dust Suppression and Substitution in the UK and Germany (2)
MATSUSHIMA Tsuyoshi  The Formation and Significance of the Official Referee System in the IRB : Formation and accumulation of actor in rugby industry
FUKASAWA Atsushi  The Historical Development of Population Problems and Family Policy in France :
Focusing on the Period before the First World War (Part I)
ZHANG Rui  The Current Status and the Problems of Support of Development for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in China :
From the earliest autism case report (1982) until the present (2014)
FUJIMOTO Yoshitaka  A New Reference Point on the Method of Recognizing a Psychological Trauma :
Based on conceptual-historical study of the DSM-5
Research Notes:
MAEDA Nobuhiko  Occupational Experience and Community Involvement in Post-Retirement Life :
Some considerations of “endogenous” development in the ageing community
KURODA Manabu, AOKI Kazuhiro  Research on Community Welfare Services for Persons with Disabilities in Yosano Town, Tango area in Kyoto Prefecture
TOMIZAWA Kimiko, AKIBA Takeshi, KANG Taeyang  The Research of “Longevity Island” :
Yoron Island in Amami Islands
ODA Fumi  Characteristics of Families of the disabled who Supposedly Experience Social Isolation :
a Door-to-door survey
A Brief of Doctoral Dissertation:
TAKEMURA Tomoko  Video Viewing Behaviors and their Motives in Korea in the Digital Age : A reconsideration of the uses and gratifications theory approach through studies on youth’s video media using behaviors