

Where to seek counseling in your language at nighttime or on holidays

When you are in need of counseling during the night or holiday period, the following emergency telephone counseling is available in English and other languages:

★TELL Lifeline: 03-5774-0992 English only.
   9 am to 11 pm Monday-Thursday, and 9 am to 2 am Friday-Sunday

★Helpline for foreign languages 外国語による相談 0120-279-338
   Available in 10 languages, from 10 am to 10 pm every day.

★Telephone counseling service by Japanese Government #9999 or 0120-494949
   Please press 2 after the guidance.  At first, they will ask your preferred language and your phone number in Japanese.  Then they will call you back in your preferred language.  They can offer consultation in 12 languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Nepali, Indonesian, French, Hindi.  For other language please feel free to inquire.

★See the below file for clinics/hospitals/hotlines available in Japanese:


New Appointments (October 29, 2021)

The Student Support Room (SSR) offers online, telephone, and in-person counseling. The waiting/ resting area are also available on a limited basis.

Please contact the SSR on your campus for further information on waiting/resting area.

To make a new appointment at the SSR, please fill in the form below and send it.  After receiving your form, a counselor will call you within a few days to schedule the first appointment.

For security reasons, this form is only accessible within the Ritsumeikan Office system, so you may be asked to sign in.  If you have any problem sending us the form, please contact us by email at the address below. 

Please note that the Student Support Room is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Making an appointment via e-mail

Email address for new appointments                                  

What to include in the email

   name, student number, department and year, contact number (mobile phone number)

This email address is for students from all campuses.

This email address is only for making new appointments. We are not offering counseling via email. 


Making an appointment via telephone

You can also call the SSR on your campus to make an appointment.

Please refer to “How to make an appointment” section on our website.



?id=59Tips For Better Stress Managementpdf

 With many restrictions during the COVID pandemic, university life is more stressful than ever. It is, therefore, very important to understand your stress and acquire coping strategies.
 Follow the steps below – 1. Become aware of your stress, 2. Your current coping strategies, 3. Your stress level and recommended stress strategies.

1.Become aware of your stress
 Stress reactions are manifested in body, mind and behavior. Check your stress level with the assessment in the box below.

Stress Check
How often have you experienced the conditions below in the past month?
  Almost neverSometimesOftenAlmost alwaysTotal
1 Extremely tired 1 2 3 4  
2 Exhausted 1 2 3 4 Ⅰ:
3 Weary or listless 1 2 3 4  
4 Feel tense 1 2 3 4  
5 Worried or insecure 1 2 3 4 Ⅱ:
6 Feel restless 1 2 3 4  
7 Feel depressed 1 2 3 4  
8 Doing anything is a hassle 1 2 3 4 Ⅲ:
9 Unable to concentrate 1 2 3 4  
*Excerpt from “The Brief Job Stress Questionnaire English version” recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Tally the numbers:
◇Ⅰ ・・・Level of “Fatigue” – if your total is 12, seek care!
◇Ⅱ ・・・Level of “Anxiety” – if your total is 11 or over, seek care!
◇Ⅲ ・・・Level of “Depression” – if your total is 10 or over, seek care!

2.Stress Coping Strategies
 How are you coping with stress? The more coping strategies that you have, the more resistant you are to stress.
 Let’s check the strategies that you are using.

Stress Coping Checklist
What do you do when you are stressed, e.g. when things don’t go well, you are feeling down, or pressured?

1 Talk to your friend or someone close 1 2 3 4 A:
2 Consult someone 1 2 3 4
3 Think of other solutions 1 2 3 4 B:
4 Try another way to solve 1 2 3 4
5 Focus on what you have done 1 2 3 4 C:
6 Try to think that you’ve learned from your mistakes. 1 2 3 4
7 Relax (Take a bath, lie down) 1 2 3 4 D:
8 Do something you like 1 2 3 4
9 Try to act positive, not showing your real feelings 1 2 3 4 E:
10 Try to forget 1 2 3 4
11 Binge eating/drinking 1 2 3 4 F:
12 Break things / act violently 1 2 3 4
Tally the numbers:
A:  Add 1 & 2         

B:   Add 3 & 4        

C:  Add 5 & 6         

D:  Add 7 & 8         

E:  Add 9 & 10         

F: Add 11 & 12          

The largest number reflects the most common strategies that you use:
A:Social support / ConsultingThe more strategies of A-D that you have, the better you handle your stress. There are some ways to cope with your stress described below.
B: Problem solving
C: Reevaluating cognition
D: Relaxation / Activation
E: Oppression / Denial Too much of it may cause physical/mental distress
F: Destructive stress relief Find strategies that you don’t regret or harm anyone/anything.
The followings are some of the ways to cope with your stress. Try any that fit your circumstance or your style!
● Getting rid of the stressor – There are situations where this is not possible.
● Behavioral activation: releasing stress by engaging in healthy activities
 Ex: chat with friends, sing, exercise
● Relaxation: Calm your nervous system20210526-1
 Ex: sleep, take a bath, do a breathing technique, drink herb tea

3.Your stress levels and coping strategies
What follows are suggested coping strategies organized by current stress reactions from stress check.

◇If your highest score is ”Fatigue,” relaxation and resting (D) are recommended. You can find relaxation techniques on the “Mental Health Tips” on the Student Support Room -
 Also, you can join weekly online “Hokkori Relaxation Time” by the Student Support Room to practice the relaxation techniques.

◇If your highest score is ”Anxiety” or “Depression,” social support/consulting(A), problem-solving(B), reevaluating cognition(C) are recommended. It is not easy to work through this on your own, especially, problem-solving and reevaluating your cognition. There are various types of support available for students. Please refer to pages 35-41 for the student support network on campus:

4.Tell us about your coping strategies!
Share your coping strategies with us! Fill the form below and send it- the answers will be posted anonymously on the Student Support Room Website. For security reasons, this form is only accessible within the Ritsumeikan Office system, so please sign in when you access the form.

* For more information on stress and stress reactions, please refer to “How to cope with stress” on the Student Support Room website -

* If you want to understand your own stress better, please click the link below for self-analysis.

Counsellor @SSR



Student Support General Guide