
SGH Rits Super Global Forum (RSGF) 2014 閉幕


Super Global High School (SGH)
Rits Super Global Forum (RSGF) 報告

   Rits Super Global Forum 2014 

2月2日(月)、1月28日(水)から、台湾、イギリス、日本国内の高校生が集い、「貧困」と「災害」をテーマにディスカッションや交流を重ねてきた Rits Super Global Forum が最終日を迎えました。

フィリピンからのPhilippine Science High School Eastern Visayas Campusの生徒は、国内事情により、残念ながら来ることはできませんでしたが、立命館高校の高校2年GLコースの全員(30人)、高校1年GJクラスの希望選抜者10人、夏の台湾研修でもいっしょにフィールドワークやディスカッションをしてきた高雄高級中学の生徒10人と高雄女子高級中学の生徒10人、イギリスのCamborne Science & International Academy からの生徒2人、それに、立命館大学の留学生12人を加え、6日間におよぶディスカッションおよびプレゼンテーションでの発表などを行ってきました。

この Rits Super Global Forum の様子は、立命館大学のホームページにも紹介されています。

閉会式は、このフォーラムの生徒実行委員長である 藤井 なるみ さんの Closing Speech で締めくくられました。彼女が思いを込めた、そのスピーチを紹介します。

Closing Speech of RSGF


 Good afternoon, everyone. I would like to ask all the participants of the Rits Super Global Forum a question, “Did you have an unforgettable time?” As for me, this forum became significant, and these six days were fulfilling, because it was a very precious thing to share opinions with many people from different countries. I hope everyone thinks the same way.

 Actually, the time passed by very quickly, but in that short time we were able to establish meaningful relationships through the activities and discussions, and I do hope we keep these relationships and strengthen them even more in the future.

 Another hope of mine is that we use all of the newfound knowledge that we gained during the forum in a practical setting. One thing that I think we came to realize during the time here was that the knowledge and information we possess is not enough to tackle the problems in the world today. We mustn’t forget this fact in our quest for knowledge. However, acquiring this knowledge is only the first step. We have to act, and not just think about the world’s problems. We must not look away from world issues like poverty and disasters for the sole reason that we are more fortunate than others. On the one hand, it is proper that we gain a good education, but on the other hand, we must not waste the access we have to education, because there are a lot of children who don’t have the opportunities that we do. So please don’t take for granted how lucky we are.

 I believe that the best way to help people less fortunate than us is to open up our hearts. We cannot just think about ourselves. We need to look at things from the point of view of others in order to solve more of the world’s problems. We hold the future of the 21st century in our hands, so with this responsibility, we have to raise our consciousness of the little things that lead to the bigger problems in daily life. Some of those little things are things like, not wasting food and water, showing compassion to those around us, taking a greater interest in the news around us, and things like that. These things may have little effect for people who have serious problems in their lives, but I think we need to consider the smaller things before considering solutions to some of the world’s bigger issues. Today is not the end, but just the beginning for us all. I’m looking forward to meeting you all again to not only discuss these serious problems, but start acting out on these issues for the better of all of our futures.

 Thank you very much.

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