

本学部助教の寺田昌史先生の研究が「Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise」に原著論文として掲載されました。

本学部助教 寺田 昌史先生がケンタッキー大学大学院健康科学・リハビリテーション学研究科Phillip A. Gribble先生、Nathan Johnson先生、 Kyle Kosik先生と共同で取り組まれた研究が、「Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise」に原著論文として掲載されました。





 Dr. Terada, Assistant Professor in College of Sport and Health Science, published a research manuscript in Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, co-authored with Dr. Phillip Gribble, Dr. Nathan Johnson, and Dr. Kyle Kosik. We examined white matter microstructure of the superior cerebellar peduncle and static postural control in individuals with and without a previous history of a lateral ankle sprain. In the study, participants with a history of lateral ankle sprains had lower white matter microstructure in the superior cerebellar peduncle compared with those without a history of lateral ankle sprain. We also report differences in static postural control between participants with and without a history of lateral ankle sprains. Findings suggest the presence of a potential contributor to declines in postural control after lateral ankle sprains, white matter microstructure.


Terada M, Johnson N, Kosik K, Gribble PA. Quantifying Brain White Matter Microstructure of People with Lateral Ankle Sprain. 2018. [Epub ahead of print].

