

2019/3/12本研究科博士課程後期課程3回生小嶌麻木さんの研究が「Scientific Reports」に原著論文として掲載されました。


Kojima, M. and Nagano, A., 2019. Assessment of physical activity and cognitive function and their potential correlation in convalescent patients of cerebrovascular disease. Scientific Reports 9, 3782.

A manuscript by Maki Kojima, a Ph.D. student in Faculty of Sport and Health Science, written with Professor Akinori Nagano in Faculty of Sport and Health Science, was accepted and published in Scientific Reports. This study investigated the relationship between physical activity and cognitive function in convalescent brain damaged patients. The amount of physical activity was measured with a wearable accelerometer, and cognitive function was evaluated using neuropsychological tests in 15 patients for 4 months. As results, positive correlations were found between the amount of physical activity and cognitive function.