

  1. 2024.Mar.17, Hamilton Lie algebroids over Dirac structures,

  2. 2023.Mar.06, 次数付き多様体の場の理論への応用と関連する幾何

  3. 2024.Jan.21-26, DG manifolds and sigma models,
    DG manifolds in Geometry and Physics, The Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum, Sanya, China


  1. 2023,Sep.16-19, WZ termのある高次元位相的シグマ模型

  2. 2023.Jul.26, A deformation of AKSZ sigma models and its geometry,
    Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields, Galileo Galilei institute, Florence, Italy

  3. 2023.Jun.19-23, Compatible E-differential forms on Lie algebroids over (pre-)multisymplectic manifolds,
    The many interactions of symplectic and Poisson geometry, A conference in honour of Alan Weinstein's 80th birthday,
    Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France

  4. 2023.Apr.27, Current algebras and differential graded manifolds,

  5. 2022.Dec.30, Higher generalizations of Poisson structures connected to sigma models,
    2022 NCTS Workshop on Geometry and Physics
    National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan

  6. 2022.Sep.16, Homotopy momentum sections on pre-multisymplectic manifold,

  7. 2022.Aug.19, Lie algebroids on (pre-mutli)symplectic manifolds and topological sigma models,
    Higher Structures and Field Theory, Erwin Schroedinger instiute, Vienna, Austria

  8. 2022.Jul.25-29, Homotopy momentum sections and sigma models,
    Poisson 2022 conference, Madrid, Spain

  9. 2022.2/7, Momentum sections on Lie algebroids in mechanics and sigma models,
    Mathematical physics seminar, University of Lyon 1, Lyon, France

  10. 2021.3/31, BV and BFV for the H-twisted Poisson sigma model,
    Homotopy Algebra of Quantum Field Theory and Its Application, Yukawa institute for theoreteical physics, Kyoto

  11. 2021.3/15, Momentum sections on pre-symplectic and pre-multisymplectic manifold,

  12. 2020.11/20, Geometry of double field theory and (pre-)rackoid,
    String and Fields, Yukawa institute for theoretical physics, Kyoto, Japan

  13. 2020.10/19, Introduction to rack and quandle,

  14. 2020.9/8, BV and BFV for the H-twisted Poisson sigma model,
    Higher Structures and Field Theory, Erwin Schroedinger instiute, Vienna, Austria

  15. 2020,2/27, Introduction to Path integral,

  16. 2020,1/13-22, DFT in supermanifold formulation and group manifold as background geometry, (poster)
    The 14th Kavli Asian Winter School on Strings, Particles and Cosmology, 東北大学

  17. 2019,12/06, Geometry of gauged nonlinear sigma models and T-duality,
    Recent Progress on Field and String Theory: Kyoto-NTU 2019, 京都大学

  18. 2019,11/14, 12/05, Introduction to Poisson geometry,

  19. 2019.9/18-25, Gauged sigma model with Lie algebroid symmetry and moment map,
    Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field theory and Gravity, Corfu, Greece

  20. 2019.8/5-17, (8/7, 8/9), Deformation quantization of Poisson manifold and path integral quantization of Poisson sigma model I, II,
    KIAS, Seoul, South Korea

  21. 2019.6/24-28, Super Poisson geometry and T-duality in string theory,
    Poisson geometry, moduli spaces, and applications, Waseda University, Japan

  22. 2019,5/13, Momentum sections and Hamiltonian mechanics,

  23. 2019,3/19, On the relation of Lie algebroids to constrained Hamiltonian systems and their BV/ BFV formulation,

  24. 2019,3/17,
    群多様体上の double field theory の幾何学的構造の超幾何学による解析,

  25. 2019,3/6, Geometry of covariant double field theory from supergeometry,
    String: T-duality, Integrability and Geometry, TFC, Tohoku university

  26. 2019,2/1, 解析力学:ネーターの定理、ポアソン括弧について

  27. 2018,12/10-14, Supergeometry analysis of geometric structure of double field theory,
    String and M-Theory: The New Geometry of the 21st Century, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  28. 2018,8/22, On the relation of Lie algebroids to constrained systems and their BV/BFV formulation
    東北大学 TFCセミナー

  29. 2018,7/16-20, Constrained systems, Lie algebroids and their BV and BFV formalisms,
    Poster session, Poisson 2018, Fields institute, Toronto, Canada

  30. 2018,6/18-22, Constrained systems, Lie algebroids and their BV and BFV formalisms,
    Poster session, String Math 2018, 東北大学

  31. 2018.5/24, The BV formalism of the twisted Poisson sigma model and the Maurer-Cartan element,
    Seminar, Karl University, Prague, Czech republic

  32. 2018.5/3, Constrained systems, Lie algebroids and their BFV/BV/AKSZ formalisms,
    Seminar, Karl University, Prague, Czech republic

  33. 2018.3/30, H-twisted Poisson sigma model and quantization,
    東北大学 TFCセミナー

  34. 2018.3/25, Hフラックスの入ったポアソンシグマ模型とBV 形式の Batalin-Bering-Damgaard 形式

  35. 2017.10/24, Supergeometric formulation of T-duality geometry,
    Seminar, University of Geneva, Switzerland

  36. 2017.9/13, BV formalism of T-duality geometry,
    Higher Differential Geometry Seminar, Max Planck institute for mathematics, Bonn, Germany

  37. 2017.8/21-8/25, Supergeometry of nongeometric fluxes and double field theory,
    Pure and Applied Differential Geometry - PADGE 2017, KU Leuven, Belgium

  38. 2017.7/31-8/4, Supergeometry of nongeometric fluxes and double field theory,
    Geometry and Physics - Seminaire itinerant, GAP XV - State College, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

  39. 2017.6/4-9, Supergeometric formulation of flux geometry and T-duality,
    Field Theories and Higher Structures in Mathematics and Physics, Casa Matematica Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico.

  40. 2017.5/27, 物理で数学の問題を解く―ポアソン多様体の変形量子化問題―

  41. 2017.4/28, ポアソン幾何と魔法の公式

  42. 2017.03/26, Poisson 多様体上の Courant algebroid と T 双対への応用

  43. 2017.3/10, Unifed description of non-geometric fluxes and double field theory via graded symplectic manifolds,
    Workshop, Geometry, duality and strings, 京都大学基礎物理学研究所

  44. 2016.9/02, Higher Gauge Theories from Lie n-Algebras,

  45. 2016.4/25-26, Higher Structures in Contravariant Poisson Geometry and T-duality,
    Belgium-Japan Joint Workshop on Symplectic Geometry, 東北大学

  46. 2016.3/07-11, Higher Structures and Current Algebras, [pdf]
    Higher Structures in String Theory and M-Theory, Fundamental problems on Quantum Physics, 東北大学

  47. 2016.2/22, Super Symplectic Geometry and Topological Sigma Models,
    Belgium-Japan Joint Seminar on Symplectic Geometry, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

  48. 2015.7/25-26, Weil Algebras in Poisson Geometry,

  49. 2015.3/5,6, Supergeometry of topological sigma models, higher structures and physical applications I, II,
    2015.Mar.5-7, Workshop on Strings, Membranes and Topological Field Theory, 東北大学

  50. 2015.3/2, 年次報告

  51. 2014.12/20, groupoid gauge theory の moment map と量子化

  52. 2014.11/9, 場の理論、弦理論に現れるLie亜群

  53. 2014.9/25, Lie Groupoids in Quantum Field Theories and String Theories,
    Seminar, 東北大学理学部

  54. 2014.9/24, Introduction to Topological Field Theory
    Introductory Seminar, 東北大学理学部

  55. 2014.9/19, AKSZシグマ模型の境界条件とBV形式の一般化

  56. 2014,7/28-8/8. Poisson 2014, international conferences on Poisson geometry in mathematics and physics,
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

  57. 2014.7/25, BV-BFV and AKSZ Formalisms of Current Algebras [pdf]
    Yukawa Institute Workshop, Strings and Fields, YITP, Kyoto

  58. 2014.2/26, Courant Sigma Model and Boundary Structures.

  59. 2013.11/26, Supergeometry における QP Pair と ポアソン幾何、カレント代数への応用 [pdf]
    非可換幾何湯谷研究集会, 2013.11/26-29

  60. 2013.10/21, 物理理論としての数学

  61. 2013,Aug.26-Sep.21. GGI Program, Geometry of Strings and Fields
    Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze, Italy

  62. 2013,Aug.19-Aug.25. ESI School and Conference, Geometry and Quantization GEOQUANT 2013
    Erwin Schroedinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI), Vienna, Austria

  63. 2013.6/27, QP Pairs and Their Applications,
    Higher Algebras and Lie-infinity Homotopy Theory, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

  64. 2013.4/24, 100年後の物理の教科書

  65. 2013.3/7-9, Introduction to supergeometry and AKSZ sigma models, [reference.pdf]

  66. 2013.1/12-19, Canonican Functions in Graded Symplectic Geometry and AKSZ Sigma Models,
    The 33rd Winter School GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS, Czech Republic, Srni

  67. 2012.11/20-22, 境界のあるシグマ模型に現れる寺嶋-Poisson関数と南部-Poisson構造 [abstract.pdf]

  68. 2012.11/9-10, BRS, BV, QP, AKSZ

  69. 2012.09/08, AKSZ Sigma Models in Higher Dimensions and their Quantization,
    Belgium-Japan Joint Seminar On Symplectic Geometry and Noncommutative Geometry, 京都大学工学部

  70. 2012,07/30-08/3 Drived bracket construction of current algebras,
    Poisson 2012 : Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics, Utrecht, Netherlands,
    School (July 23 - July 27), Conference (July 30 - August 3)

  71. 2012.03/28, Symplectic Structures on Mapping Spaces from QP Manifolds and Current Algebras,

  72. 2012.02/22, 年次報告

  73. 2012.02/16, Original derivation of the Poisson sigma model,
    Unofficial Seminar, 東北大学理学部

  74. 2011.11/9-11, Symplectic Structures and Current Algebras on Mapping Spaces from QP Manifolds, [abstract.pdf] [pdf]

  75. 2011.09/17, ホモトピーリー代数構造を持つ新しいカレント代数、

  76. 2011.08/12, Topological Field Theories of AKSZ type in Four Dimensions,
    Quantum Theory and Symmetries 7, Prague, Czech Republic

  77. 2011.07/26, Current Algebras and Homotopy Lie Algebroids,
    場の理論と弦理論 、京都大学基礎物理学研究所

  78. 2011.03/20, Differential Graded Symplectic Manifolds and Topological Field Theories,

  79. 2011.03/15, Topological Field Theories in Higher Dimensions and QP Structures, [pdf]

  80. 2011.03/03, Field Theories and Lie Algebroids,
    Seminar, 東北大学

  81. 2011.02/28-03/04, 高次元 Topological Field Theory の構成と構造、
    集中講義, 東北大学

  82. 2010.09/16, Topological Sigma Models of AKSZ type in Higher Dimensions,
    Higher Structures in Mathematics and Physics, Erwin Schroedinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria

  83. 2010.08/23, Chiral Fermion in 4D AdS(dS) Gravity

  84. 2010.07/01, Generalization of Courant algebroids and Topological Field Theory

  85. 2010.06/30, ゲージ理論の変形理論と Topological Field Theory
    seminar, 日本大学理工学部

  86. 2010.04/17, 新しいゲージ理論をつくる

  87. 2010.03/20, AdS(dS)重力理論におけるカイラルフェルミオン [pdf]
    日本物理学会、 岡山大学

  88. 2010.03/03, Chiral Fermions in 4D (A)dS Gravity [pdf]

  89. 2008.12/05, Super Poisson 幾何と Topological Field Theory
    Seminar, 早稲田大学

  90. 2008.11/12, Topological Field Theory の AKSZ 形式と Higher Poisson Structure
    シンプレクティック幾何とその周辺、 秋田大学

  91. 2008.09/05, Topological sigma model の構成と量子化 [pdf]
    Seminar, 広島大学理学部

  92. 2007.11/22, Topological field theory の構成と量子化 [pdf]
    Seminar, 鹿児島大学理学部

  93. 2007.9/6, Alternative Topological Field Theories of Generalized Complex Geometry,
    Seminar at the Erwin Schrodinger Institute, Vienna, Austria.

  94. 2007.8/21, New topological field theories from dimensional reduction of nonlinear gauge theories [pdf]
    Workshop on Poisson geometry and sigma models, 2007.8/20-8/24,
    Poisson Sigma Models, Lie Algebroids, Deformations and Higher Analogues, 2007.8/1-9/30, at the Erwin Schrodinger Institute, Vienna, Austria.

  95. 2007.3/26, 3-Form Flux の入った Topological Membrane と Generalized Geometry
    日本物理学会 2007年春季大会、首都大学東京

  96. 2006.10/11, Super Poisson 幾何と Batalin-Vilkovisky 構造

  97. 2006.7/28, Super Poisson 幾何学

  98. 2006.6/5-9, Deformation of graded Poisson (Batalin-Vilkovisky) structures [pdf]
    Poisson 2006, Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics, Tokyo

  99. 2006.5/23, Sigma Models with Nontrivial Flux and Generalized Geometry [pdf]

  100. 2006.5/12, 量子重力の共変演算子形式とトポロジカルな toy model

  101. 2005.11/1-4, Deformation of Batalin-Vilkovisky structures [pdf]
    International Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and Physics 2005, Tohoku Univ., Sendai

  102. 2005.10/3, Deformation of topological field theory and Batalin-Vilkovisky structure

  103. 2005.9/26, Generalized Geometry and Topological Field Theory [pdf]

  104. Generalized Complex Structure and Topological Field Theory [pdf]
    2005.8/22 YITP workshop, String Theory and Quantum Field Theory

  105. 2005,3/15, 3D Topological Field Theory with Generalized Complex Structure
    KEK 理論研究会 2005

  106. 2003.9/30, Higher dimensional generalization of the Poisson sigma model [pdf]
    Workshop on Gravity in Two Dimensions at ESI, Vienna, Austria

  107. 2003.8/30, ゲージ理論の変形理論と非可換幾何学 [pdf]

  108. 2003.7/12-17, Deformation of the BF theories and Geometry of the Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra,
    Symmetries Beyond the Standard Model, EURESCO Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia

  109. 2002.12/18, Topological Field Theory の変形とその Batalin-Vilkovisky 代数の幾何学 [pdf]
    京都大学基研研究会 「場の量子論の基礎的諸問題と応用」

  110. 2002.9/30, ゲージ理論の変形理論とその応用 [pdf]
    京都大学数研研究会 「場の理論の数理とその応用」

  111. 2001.7/16-7/19, BF 理論の変形と Topological Open Membrane
    場の量子論 2001、京都大学基礎物理学研究所

  112. 2001.3/27, Topological Field Theory の変形
    日本物理学会 2001年年会 立命館大学

  113. 1998.10/6, 高次元におけるワイルアノマリーと座標空間でのファイマン規則
    日本物理学会 1998年秋季大会 秋田大学

  114. 1998.3/30, 場の理論におけるワイルアノマリーの一般的構造
    日本物理学会 1998年年会 東邦大学

  115. 1997.9/20, 2次元非線型QEDの厳密解
    日本物理学会 1997年秋季大会 東京都立大学

  116. 1996.10/6, 曲がった空間上の摂動論の新しいグラフテクニック
    日本物理学会 1996年秋季大会 佐賀大学

  117. 1996.3/31, 高次元ワイルアノマリーとグラフテクニック
    日本物理学会 1996年年会 金沢大学

  118. 1996.1/22-25, Anomalies in gravitational systems and weak expansion
    5th workshop on General relativity and gravitation, 名古屋大学

  119. 1995.9/27, アノマリーの一般公式
    日本物理学会 1995年秋季大会 中部大学

  120. 1995.3/29, アノマリーと Heat-Kernel 正則化
    日本物理学会 1995年年会 神奈川大学

  121. 1994.7/4-9, Nonlinear Gauge Theory and Its Application to Two-dimensional Gravity,
    Yamada conference XL: XX International colloquium on group theoretical methods in physics, 1994, Toyonaka, Japan

  122. 1994.7, 2次元 dilaton 重力理論と非線形ゲージ理論

  123. 1994.3/28, 非線形ゲージ理論としての2次元 Dialton 重力理論
    日本物理学会 1994年年会 福岡工業大学

  124. 1992.11/9-11, ダイナミカルトーションを持った二次元重力のゲージ対称性

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