立命館大学 経営学部



2018/11/28 教育・研究

2nd Nov 2018,Cross-cultural management workshop: Belonging to the group

Cross-cultural management workshop: Belonging to the group

Together with international students Professor Rolf D. Schlunze's seminar students participate in a workshop with Professor Adam Komsarof (Keio University) held on 2nd November 2018. They learnt from him that successful intercultural communication depends much on organizational and group belonging. The workshop was very interactive. Students discussed their experiences guided by the framework introduced. They learnt how to adjust to intercultural workplaces. Adam managed to fit in as a “polite foreigner” being aware of the indirect communication style in Japan. Kosei observed that he succeeded by contributing as a native-like or assimilated member even he was sometimes treated as an outsider. Mitsuki found that Adam tries to be open-minded. Lina concluded that the ability to take time and listen is important when adapting to Japanese workplaces.