Academic Bulletin

Asia-Japan Research Academic Bulletin

Inaugurated in November 2019
Vol.1, 2019-20(below)
Vol.2, 2021
Vol.3, 2022
Vol.4, 2023
Vol.5, 2024
Vol.6, 2025

Welcome to the first AJI Online Bulletin

The Asia-Japan Research Academic Bulletin is a platform for the global publishing of peer-reviewed academic papers on a variety of subjects with relation to Asian, Japan, and Asia-Japan Relations, by a wide range of scholars and researchers based in or specializing in the related fields of Asia-Japan Research. It is the online companion to the AJI Journal which specializes in peer-reviewed research articles that is published annually in July as a hard copy and online.

Our intention is to contribute to international cooperation for sustainable and just economic, educational, and social development of the Global Society in general, and Asia in particular, and to facilitate collaboration and growth among Asia's young researchers.

Papers for publication are accepted throughout the year, and after a certain period the current edition will be closed and the next volume will be opened.

Cover page
Editorial Information
Editor's Preface
Content No. Author(s) Title Number of Pages
11 Yohei YAMAGUCHI, Naoki YOSHIKAWA, Koji AMANO, Seiji HASHIMOTO "Evaluation of Current Freshwater Requirement in Asia Based on Global Food Trade and Supply-Demand Balances" 27
12 Kyu Kyu Aung "State-sponsored Legal Aid in the Criminal Justice System of Myanmar" 13
13 Hideki HARAJIRI Study on Korean Chinese: From the Perspectives of Comparative Research on Redeveloping Communities of Koreans in China and in Japan 14
14 Tomohiko YOSHIDA Factors Affecting Close Proximity of Older Parents and their Adult Children in Japan 13
[Research Notes]
Content No. Author(s) Title Number of Pages
31 Marie SATO "Islamic Charity and Royal NGOs in Jordan: The Role of Monarchial Institutions in its Balancing Act" 12
[Brief Research Reports]
Content No. Author(s) Title Number of Pages
51 Fitrio ASHARDIONO From Commodity to Specialty Products: Three Key Concepts for a Sustainable Tea and Coffee Industry in Indonesia 6
52 Yuting SONG,
Biligsaikhan BATJARGAL,
Linking Ukiyo-e Records across Languages: An Application of Cross-Language Record Linkage Techniques to Digital Cultural Collections 7