
Journal of the Asia-Japan Research Institute of Ritsumeikan University

ONLINE ISSN 2435-0192 PRINT ISSN 2435-0184
Vol.1, July 2019
Vol.2, October 2020
Vol.3, October 2021
Vol.4, November 2022
Vol.5, October 2023
Vol.6, October 2023
Vol.3 Contents
Cover page, Editorial information

Table of Contents

Editor's Preface Yasushi KOSUGI
[Research Articles]
Doxa, Common Sense, and Everydayness in Miki Kiyoshi's Works: A Critical Account WIRTZ Fernando 1
"Common Sense" and Encounters after the "Capital-Nation-State" in the Digital Age: Nakamura Yūjirō vs. Karatani Kōjin in their Philosophies of Imagination MATSUI Nobuyuki 17
Empowering Local Communities through the Tourism Social Enterprise Approach: A Case Study of Entra Indonesia Naoki FUJIMOTO 33
Comparison of Life Skills Development between Different Nutrition Education Methods for High School Baseball Players: Verification According to the Stage of Change Yuka SHUDO,
Kumiko EBI
International Student Support Organizations in Japan and Australia: Response to the COVID-19 Crisis Polina IVANOVA 63
North Korea's Advanced Nuclear Weapons and US Extended Deterrence for South Korea: An Assessment based on Nuclear Deterrence Theory CHOI Jung Hoon 82
[Book Reviews]
South Korea in the Moon Jae-in Era: Democracy of Mourning, Gyongsu MUN, Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2020 Kozue AKIBAYASHI 103
Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Literati Communications and Mutual Understanding: Through the Poetry of the Meiji Taisho Period, ed. by HAGIWARA Masaki, written by HAGIWARA Masaki, LAI Xinhong, NOH Johann, SHE Yunchun, WANG Chao, ZHAN Qianhui and ZHOU Zhihuang, Nagoya: ARM, 2020 FU Jiayin 107
Politics in Southeast Asia in the Age of Social Media, ed. by Ken MIICHI and Yuka KAYANE, Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2020 Kenki ADACHI 110
Historical Literacy in the Age of Post-Globalization, ed. by Norihisa YAMASHITA, Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Inc., 2019 Ichiro MAEKAWA 113
Politics, Military Affairs and Social Movements in Jordan: Regime-Security Frameworks for the Survival of the Kingdom, Takuro KIKKAWA, Kyoto: Koyo Shobo, 2020 Shun WATANABE 119