
Journal of the Asia-Japan Research Institute of Ritsumeikan University

ONLINE ISSN 2435-0192 PRINT ISSN 2435-0184
Vol.1, July 2019
Vol.2, October 2020
Vol.3, October 2021
Vol.4, November 2022
Vol.5, October 2023
Vol.6, October 2023
Vol.4 Contents
Cover page, Editorial information

Table of Contents

Editor's Preface Yasushi KOSUGI
[Research Articles]
Has Japanese Foreign Policy Become Feminist Too? An Analysis of the "Women Shine" Foreign Policy of the Second Abe Administration Hisako MOTOYAMA 1
English Ability, Transnational Business, and the Global Labor Market:
The Case of Instructors in English Language Schools in the Philippines Promoted by Korean-Filipino Enterprises
Jung-Eun LEE 18
Nikkei Diaspora Diplomacy in Latin America:
Japan's Reaction to the Asian Power in the Region in the 2010s
Evolutions of the Nuclear Postures of India and Pakistan and Their Implications for South Asian Crisis Dynamics Masahiro KURITA 55
Filipino Baby Boomers and Generation X:
Audience Reception of Voltes V
Joanna Luisa Buenaflor OBISPO 69
China's Involvement in Myanmar's Peace Negotiations:
An Analysis with Special Emphasis on the Non-Interference Principle
Lwin Cho LATT 85
Images of Chinese Women and Men in Online News during the Wuhan COVID-19 Lockdown: Analysis Using Caixin Net. ZHOU Erin 108
Measuring the Impact of Travel Behavior in an Urban Form on Location Affordability in Rawalpindi-Islamabad, Pakistan Abu-Baker Rafat KHAN, Tomohiko YOSHIDA 123
Examining the Effectiveness of Government Agencies in Disaster Recovery:
Evidence from Indonesia
Muhammad Riza NURDIN 146
Factors Contributing to Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction for Foreign Residents in Japan Kanjana PHUAKNIAN, Yusuke TOYODA 158
[Review Articles]
Deep Learning in Cultural Heritage:
Improving the Visualization Quality of 3D Digital Archives
Jiao PAN, Weite LI, Liang LI, Kyoko HASEGAWA, and Satoshi TANAKA 175
[Book Reviews]
Why Did the Chinese Opera Masters Make Movies and Phonograph Records:
The Studying of Fixed Media in Traditional Chinese Opera,

Written and edited by WANG An-chi, Taiwan:
Kuo Chia Publishing Co., 2016
Yusuke MISU 191
Indonesia and the Rivalries of China, Japan, and India, Poltak Partogi NAINGGOLAN, Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2018 Tien Ce JOE 196
Merawat Ingatan: Biografi Perintis Jalan Damai Aceh (Keeping Memory Alive: Short Biographies of Aceh Peace Negotiators) Volume 1,Saiful Mahdi, Reza Idria and Muhammad Riza Nurdin, Banda Aceh (eds.): Bandar Publishing, 2020 Arizka WARGANEGARA 201
Textbook of Historical Informatics: Historical Data Opens Up the World, Supervised by National Museum of Japanese History, Makoto GOTO and Yuta HASHIMOTO (eds.), Tokyo: Bungaku-Report, 2019 Akira MAEDA 203
Exploring Queer Studies 1: Identity, Community, and Space, KIKUCHI Natsuno, HORIE Yuri, IINO Yuriko (eds.), Kyoto: Koyo Shobo, 2019 Junko TORIYAMA 206
[Research Project Reports
Program for Asia-Japan Research Development, Asia-Japan Research Institute, April 2020-March 2022]
Digital Archiving of Indonesian Cultural Heritage and Development of 4D High-Definition Visualization Contents Satoshi TANAKA 209
Locally-led Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance in Asia Miwa HIRONO 225
Rethinking Gender in Islam as the Inter-Asian Phenomenon Junko TORIYAMA 239