Distinctive Learning

Career Support Training

Supporting students aiming to become
professionals active in the international community

The College of International Relations offers career education courses from the second year onward to support career development based on students' interests and desired career paths.

Global Simulation Gaming (2nd year)

This is a course in which students take on the role of actors (actors in international society: countries, international organizations, etc.) and engage in actual diplomatic negotiations. By thoroughly researching their own actors and engaging in actual diplomatic negotiations, students develop knowledge of international affairs from multiple perspectives and deepen their understanding of the real international society.

Through group simulation activities, students naturally acquire communication skills, the ability to identify problems on their own, and the ability to take action to solve them, such as team management and the difficulty of negotiating against the backdrop of each actor's national interests.

Professional Workshop (2nd year)

The program offers a total of four classes: three classes in Japanese (International Public Affairs, Business, and Media) and one class in English for international students from Global Studies Major. In each class, in addition to classes given by the instructor in charge, practitioners and graduates active in the relevant field are invited as guest lecturers to provide students with the opportunity to learn the know-how and experience necessary for a career in the relevant field and to think deeply about their own post-graduation career development.

Guest lecture reports for each class

Global Studies Major

Guest speaker's Name Affiliation, position, etc. Detailed Report
Arbenita Sopaj Global Japan Peacebuilding Association Detail
Ian KARUSIGARIRA National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies 政策研究大学院大学 講師 Detail
Naito Ayaka International Labour Organization 国際労働機関(ILO) Detail
Wakita Emi Kaihatsu Management Consulting, Inc. 株式会社かいはつマネジメント・コンサルティング Detail
Chino Keiko Journalist and visiting editorial writer for the Sankei newspaper ジャーナリスト(元産経新聞 客員論説委員) Detail
Kobayashi Mai director and founder member of FEAST, a Japanese non-profit organisation supporting bottom-up sustainable agrifood transitions across Asia Detail
TomokoTakemura Accenture Japan Ltd, Detail
Timothy See Senior International Relations Executive, Ministry of Transport, Singapore シンガポール運輸省 Detail
Adam Franklin Coordinator for International Relations, Kyoto Prefectural Official 京都府庁 国際課 国際交流員 Detail
Takashi Sugawara, Tadahiro Ikoma Former Japanese Embassy Specialist Investigator 元日本大使館専門調査員、Former Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, JICA 元青年海外協力隊、元JICA職員 Detail
Masayoshi Iyoda Senior researcher in NPO (Kiko Network) 特定非営利活動法人 気候ネットワーク 主任研究員 Detail
Kiyotsugu Yoshihara Representative director of Data Lupe Company 株式会社データ ルーペ 代表取締役 Detail

International Public Affairs

Guest speaker's Name Affiliation, position, etc. Detailed Report
原 秀樹 国際交流基金 日本研究部部長 Detail
藤井 明子 国連開発計画(UNDP)元モルジブ事務所所長 Detail
今井 健 独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)安全管理部 参事 Detail
世取山 茂 元警察庁東北管区警察局長 Detail
中嶋 悦子 元青年海外協力隊(JOCV) Detail
二階堂 幸弘 元外務省職員 Detail
弓削 昭子 元:国連開発計画(UNDP)駐日代表・総裁特別顧問、法政大学教授 Detail
成瀬 猛 元独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)職員 Detail
室谷 龍太郎 独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)、ガバナンス・平和構築部 平和構築室 室長 Detail
今井 健 独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)安全管理部 課長 Detail


Guest speaker's Name Affiliation, position, etc. Detailed Report
中川 誉也 株式会社リクルート Detail
加藤 稚日志 住友商事株式会社 Detail
長堀 将幸 三井住友銀行 部長代理 Detail
赤木 万由香 株式会社資生堂 Detail
高草木 勇人 森永製菓株式会社 Detail
山根 のこ 伊藤忠商事株式会社 Detail
佐伯 雄大 岩谷産業株式会社 Detail
野田 楓子 三井住友銀行 成長事業開発部部長代理 Detail
安井 智美 日立製作所 社会ビジネスユニット 公共システム営業統括本部 Detail
東島 由佳 サイバーエージェント インターネット広告事業本部 Detail


Guest speaker's Name Affiliation, position, etc. Detailed Report
斎藤 力公 株式会社テレビ静岡 Detail
高田 和典 Bloomberg Detail
横山 恵利香 Bloomberg Detail
本窪田 耕輔 Bloomberg Detail
LEE Pui Yiu UUUM株式会社 Detail
木山 日菜子 東海テレビ営業局 Detail
鵜塚 健 毎日新聞大阪本社 写真部長 Detail
佐藤 胡桃 TVプロダクション社員(クリークアンドリバー株式会社) Detail
大貫 智子 毎日新聞社 政治部 副部長(前ソウル特派員) Detail
石戸 諭 フリージャーナリスト Detail
伊藤 大五郎 筑摩書房 取締役 Detail
マヌー 島岡 元吉本興業社員 Detail

College of International Relations Original Study Abroad Program:
International Organization Training Program in Bangkok.

In this program, participants visit various international organizations (UNESCAP, UNHCR, etc.) that are active in Bangkok, Thailand; Thai government offices that work in cooperation with the UN; as well as a local university, in order to observe their activities.
The goal of this program is to increase the level of motivation within participating students through briefings, sessions, and workshops with officials at the various organizations and international exchanges with local university students, and to help them create concrete plans as they look toward a career at an international organization.

Implementation Report for FY2023