
AJI Frontier Seminar/AJI研究最前線セミナー

年月日 発表者 題名 報告
75 2025.1.14 Dr. Ryo TSUNODA “TOKKO” and Postwar Japanese Society: Commemorative Activities of the Postwar Generation and their Dilemmas” 読む
74 2024.12.10 Ms. Jonali SARMA Leveraging the Synergy of Scientific Technology and Agronomic Practices: Exploring the Possibility of Enhancing Community Development in India 読む
73 2024.11.12 Dr. Joanna Luisa B. OBISPO Mapping the Creative Workforce: Voiceover and Localization Talents in the Philippine Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) 読む
72 2024.10.8 Dr. KUNAPASUT Variya The Spillover E ects of Population Control Policies: Empirical Evidence from Vietnam 読む
71 2024.9.9 Dr. 五十嵐美華 人権規範の調和をめぐる非西洋圏の地域機構のダイナミズム:アフリカ連合への国際法社会学からのアプローチ 読む
70 2024.7.9 Dr. Trissia WIJAYA Pivotal Power of Small States to Save the International Liberal Economic Order: The Case of Indonesia 読む
69 2024.6.11 Dr. WANG Rongxuan Removal Performance and Mechanism of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes and Viruses by the Membrane Bioreactor Process 読む
68 2024.6.11 Dr. Yusy WIDARAHESTY Gatekeepers in Labor Migration to Japan: Preliminary Studies on Southeast Asian Cases 読む
67 2024.5.14 Dr.塚原真梨佳 技術大国日本におけるテクノ・ナショナリズムと軍事:戦間期の日本海軍の戦艦建造から戦後の軍需産業まで、語りを読み解く 読む
66 2024.4.16 Dr. HO Than Tam Prospects for Sustainable Agriculture: Perspectives of Rice Farmers and Consumption Trends in Japan 読む
65 2024.3.12 中鉢夏輝氏 イスラーム的森林利用の理念と実践:インドネシアのワクフの森から考える 読む
64 2024.2.13 千暻娥氏 韓国における生ごみ資源化の現状と課題 読む
63 2024.1.9 Dr. Dinia Rizqi Dwijayanti Harnessing Indonesia's Herbal Wisdom for Diabetes Therapy 読む
62 2023.12.12 Dr. 根岸貴哉 東アジアにおける日本野球の位置付け 読む
61 2023.11.14 Dr. GADJEVA Nadejda Petrova Japanese Digital Cultural Promotion: Online Experience of Kyoto 読む
60 2023.10.10 米田優作氏 現代イスラーム思想のなかのサラフィー主義(運動):エジプトと湾岸アラブ諸国とのあいだの思想的共振/競合に着目して 読む
59 2023.9.12 Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuong Grey Water Treatment Using Trickling Filters and Constructed Wetlands Planted with Edible Plants 読む
58 2023.7.18 Dr. XU Puchen Do Household Incomes and Parents’ Expectations Contribute to Money and Time Investment in Shadow Education? Evidence from CFPS2016 読む
57 2023.7.18 Dr. LI You Graphical Decomposition Model to Estimate Hourly Global Solar Radiation Considering Weather Stochasticity 読む
56 2023.6.13 Dr. Polina Ivanova Co-Creating Social Capital: Exploring Interactions between International Students and Civil Society in Japan 読む
55 2023.6.13 Dr.角田燎 戦後日本における旧軍人の生き方と戦争体験の評価:陸軍将校戦友会の研究から 読む
54 2023.5.9 Dr. Variya Kunapasut Relationship between Education and Wage Inequality in Thailand: A Quantile Regression Analysis 読む
53 2023.4.18 Dr. Kazutaka Sogo Prewar Japan’s Party Politics from the Perspective of Power Consolidation: Dynamics of the Interplay between “Human Factor” and “Institution” 読む
52 2023.2.14 Dr. Fahlesa Munabari The Gas and Brake Policy: Indonesia’s COVID-19 Securitization Dilemmas 読む
51 2023.1.10 Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuong Use of Artificially Constructed Wetlands for Mine Drainage Treatment: A Lab-Scale Case Study Using Recycled Clamshells as the Substrate 読む
50 2022.12.13 Dr. Mufidah Afiyanti Regulation of Antioxidants and Nitric Oxide in Plants and Their Application to the Development of Organic Pesticides 読む
49 2022.11.8 Dr.望月葵 Politics of Naming and Definitions: Reflection on Cases of Syrian, Afghan, and Ukrainian Refugees in Japan 読む
48 2022.10.11 青井大門 氏 3次元計測点群の半透明立体視における視覚ガイドとしてのエッジ強調 読む
47 2022.9.13 木村駿斗 氏 母親の育児ストレスと子どもへのかかわり、子どもの社会能力に関する縦断的研究―育児セミナー介入効果の検討 読む
46 2022.7.12 Dr.十河和貴 戦前期日本の政治構造と議会主義政治の限界:海外への経済進出と国内政治のリンケージ 読む
45 2022.6.14 Dr.張家豪 Evaluating the Potential of Regional Attributes to Attract New Talent: An Application of Conjoint Analysis on Graduates, Entrepreneurs and Tourists 読む
44 2022.5.10 Dr. Ho Thanh Tam Sustainable Agricultural Practices (SAP) and Marketing Strategies for Certified Agricultural Products: Empirical Analyses of Cases in Shiga, Japan 読む
43 2022.4.12 Dr. Malik ALPRADITIA The Influence of Architecture on Social Capital Development: A Literature Study on the Case of Low-income Communities During COVID-19 Pandemic 読む
42 2022.3.8 Dr.茶谷 智之 Aspirations and Urban Life among Poor Youth in Contemporary India: Focusing on Going Out Experiences of Teenage Girls in Secondary Schools 読む
41 2022.2.8 Dr. Sugit Sanjaya Arjon Peace for Sale: The Cost of Post-Conflict Stability in North Maluku, Indonesia 読む
40 2022.1.11 Dr. Gadjeva Nadejda Petrova Japanese Public Diplomacy in European Countries: The Japan Foundation in Bulgaria and France 読む
39 2021.12.14 Dr. Muhammad Riza NURDIN Islamic NGOs and Social Capital in Post-Disaster Indonesia: The Case of Dompet Dhuafa Charitable Organization in the Aftermath of the 2013 Gayo Earthquake 読む
38 2021.11.9 山田 翔太 氏 Drinking Water Supply Sector and Ease of Entry by NGOs in Rural Bangladesh: A Case Study from Southwest Coastal Area 読む
37 2021.10.12 Dr. Agus Trihartono Indonesia’s Gastrodiplomacy in the Making: A Preliminary Study 読む
36 2021.9.14 Dr.孫 怡 Influences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Families with Young Children: A Comparison between Japan and China 読む
35 2021.7.13 Resuello Marjorie 氏 The Contribution of Private Enterprise to Local Disaster Management and Local Economic Development in the Philippines 読む
34 2021.7.13 Dr.靳 春雨 東アジアの漢籍をめぐる文化交流:13~16世紀の詩集の環流を事例として 読む
33 2021.6.8 Dr.向 静静 近世日本の疫病と『傷寒論』 読む
32 2021.6.8 Dr.本山 央子 Feminism in Foreign Policy: Transformation Toward a more Equal World? Some Considerations on the Case of Japan 読む
31 2021.5.11 Dr.足立 真理 Digital Zakat Payment in Indonesia under the Pandemic: A Preliminary Discussion 読む
30 2021.4.13 Dr.フィトリオ・アシャデオノ Adapting to Rapid Global Changes: Redefining Agricultural Commodities Through Specialty Product Approach 読む
29 2021.3.16 Abu Baker Khan 氏 Measuring the Impact of Built-environment in Urban Areas on Location Affordability: A Case Study of Rawalpindi-Islamabad, Pakistan 読む
28 2021.2.16 Jung-Eun Lee 氏 トランスナショナルな移動における英語学校の役割:フィリピンの英語学校を事例に 読む
27 2021.1.20 Dr.イディリス・ダニシマズ ヨーロッパ・イスラーム再考:オスマン朝の歴史的展開と現代トルコの視座から 読む
26 2020.12.15 Dr.靳 春雨 日本における詞学(宋代の中国詩)の受容と研究 読む
25 2020.11.17 Dr.中村 雪子 インドにおける酪農産業の発展と女性労働に関する研究――女性酪農協同組合を中心に 読む
24 2020.10.20 Dr.フィトリオ・アシャデオノ 農地から構想する気候変動対応策:インドネシア・スマトラ島の農協の戦略と政策 読む
23 2020.10.20 望月 葵 氏 ヨーロッパにおけるシリア難民の生存基盤の再形成:移民/難民の差異に着目して 読む
22 2020.9.15 Dr.桐原 翠 ハラール・ブランディングとイスラーム法の日常規範化について 読む
21 2020.7.21 Roni Armis 氏 A Study on the Competitiveness of Indonesian Post-mining Cities as Tourist Destinations 読む
20 2020.7.21 Dr. Iqra Anugrah Agrarian Politics in Contemporary Indonesia 読む
19 2020.6.16 Kartika Puspita Sari 氏 Are Evacuation Maps Effective for Promote Better Understanding of a Volcanic Disaster Evacuation Plan? Lessons from Past Eruptions of Merapi Volcano in Indonesia18 読む
18 2020.6.16 Dr. Mohd Farihal Bin Osman The Role of Zakat Funds in Increasing Human Capital: Sustaining Islamic Education in Malaysia 読む
17 2020.5.19 Dr.李 眞恵(イ・ジンヘ) アジアのディアスポラ・マイノリティーとアイデンティティ: カザフスタンの高麗人(コリョ・サラム)の事例を中心に 読む
16 2020.4.21 Dr.上原 健太郎 Visions and Policy Ideas in Islamic Economics: A Survey of Recent Studies on Economic Development in Malaysia 読む
15 2020.2.18 Dr. KyuKyu Aung State-sponsored Legal Aid System and the way towards the enhancement of its implementation in Myanmar 読む
14 2020.2.18 Dr.足立 真理 The Traditional Role of Zakat and its Adaptation to a Modern Institution in Contemporary Indonesia 読む
13 2020.1.21 Dr.赤見 友子 Making Global Governing Norms: The League of Nations, INGOs, and Experts across Empires in Asia 読む
12 2019.12.17 Dr. Khashan Ammar 現代イスラーム経済におけるワクフ研究の意義と展望:古典的理論とマレーシアでの新動向を中心に 読む
11 2019.11.19 Alpraditia Malik氏 Housing Relocation to Rusunawa: Do Low-income Households Agree with the Idea of Compact City?" 読む
10 2019.10.29 Dr.松井 信之 Towards Redefining Human Society by Applying Nakamura  Yujiro's `Philosophy of the 'Rhythm' for Critiques of Social Divides Today 読む
9 2019.10.29 Dr.伊東 さなえ Nepali Nationalism and the Gorkha Earthquake of 2015: Responses of People, Migrants and the State 読む
8 2019.9.17 江成  穣 氏 The Theoretical Basis and Reality of Regional Industrial Policy: A Case Study on the Textile Industry of Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture 読む
7 2019.7.23 Dr.黒田 彩加 The Voices of the Silent Muslim Majority: A Study of the Role of Moderate Islamic Thinkers 読む
6 2019.7.23 Dr. Chloe Pabrez The Ethics of Self-realization in the South Korean Video Game Industry 読む
5 2019.6.18 Dr.池端 蕗子 Collective Ijtihad in Islamic Law as an Instrument for Trans-border Consensus Making: Research Prospects 読む
4 2019.6.18 Dr.崔 正勲 Analyzing the Advancement of Nuclear Weapons under the Kim Jong Un Regime and the Situation after the Hanoi Summit 読む
3 2019.5.21 Dr. Izzati Norzilan The New Face of Waqf in Contemporary Muslim Society: How Islamic Economics is Benefiting Social Welfare in Malaysia 読む
2 2019.5.21 Dr.松井 信之 An Embodied Semiotic Approach to Communication Space in the Contemporary Information Society and the Importance of Rediscovering Physicality: For Reconstructing Universality out of Embodied Sensitivity 読む
1 2019.4.23 Dr. Ashardiono Fitrio アジアの茶産業と気候変動:日本・インドネシア・スリランカの現地調査から 読む