学生生活ガイド/Reference for Campus Life


English follows Japanese.



※学生生活ガイドは、「立命館大学キャンパスダイアリー」(CAMPUS DIARY2024年度版の

 ◆ 学生生活ガイド2024  

2024年度 奨学金・学生生活の手引き

 (Only available in Japanese)


 ■Ⅰ 学生生活を始めるにあたって
 ■Ⅱ 奨学金について
 ■Ⅲ 下宿・通学について
 ■Ⅳ 学生生活について
 ■Ⅴ 問い合わせ窓口一覧

Campus Diary (スケジュール帳)  

皆さんが充実した学生生活を過ごすために、自らのスケジュールを管理し、自身の学生生活の振り返りに役立ててもらうことを目的に、立命館大学オリジナル手帳のCAMPUS DIARY(キャンパスダイアリー)を発行しています。







CAMPUS DIARY(学年暦入りカレンダーページ)

◆ オリジナル表紙 (学生によるデザイン)

Reference for Campus Life

You can download the booklet, “Reference for Campus Life 2024” from the following link. 

It provides helpful information for student life, such as student consolation services and inquiry points for different purposes at Ritsumeikan University.

The contents of this booklet can be also found in the latter pages of the 2024 Ritsumeikan University Campus Diary.

◆ Reference for Campus Life 2024 


Campus Diary (Academic Year Planner)

The Campus Diary is designed to help you manage your schedule and reflect on your own activities so thaty you can lead a fulfilling student life. You can download it from the following link.


How to receive Campus Diary】
The Campus Diary is distributed to new students during the orientation for new students, and to current students (if they wish) in and after late March*.


*Information on when and where Campus Diary will be distributed for current students will be announced via manaba+R. We recommend that current students come and pick up one as soon as possible after the distribution starts as the number of Campus Diaries available is limited.


◆ Campus Diary(RU Academic Year Planner)

学生生活を安心・安全に過ごすためのガイド/Guide to a Safe and Comfortable Campus Life

This booklet presents a variety of cases encountered by university students in the past, compiled here with a view to making you aware of situations to avoid and providing you with essential knowledge for your time as a university student.



◆セミナー動画(前編) ◆セミナー資料(前編)

◆セミナー動画(後編) ◆セミナー資料(後編)



● 請求方法の詳細はこちら

学生生活ガイダンス/Student Life Guidance for New Students

2024年度春学期/Spring 2024

◆2024学生生活ガイダンス/Student Life Guidance


◆Guidance material

2023年度秋学期/Fall 2023

◆2023学生生活ガイダンス/Student Life Guidance


◆Guidance material



◆PDFデータ  こちら

A Warning about Plagiarism and Assisting Plagiarism
“Reports” are one type of graded task for students. Like final exams and other tasks, they are designed to measure students’ degree of attainment of expected learning outcomes.  
Your class instructors will explain the conventions and points to note when writing reports, but you can also find information on your college/ graduate school students page (https://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/ct/) on manaba+R.
If you have any difficulties with writing reports, please seek the advice of your instructors and friends.   
Under no circumstances should you engage in conduct such as copying and pasting information from the internet or receiving and using data from your friends and the like. This is known as “plagiarism” and
may result in disciplinary action.    
We hope that you will read through this guide carefully and maintain an attitude and behavior consistent with an awareness of your position as a responsible learner.  

◆PDF data Click Here
